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[Statement from the Philippine Camp Tiano Memorial Society of UN Korean War Veterans]
기사입력: 2025/01/29 [16:34] ⓒ 국제언론인클럽(GJCNEWS)
제니윤 기자
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡 카카오스토리 밴드 네이버 블로그
필자의 다른기사 보기 인쇄하기 메일로 보내기 글자 크게 글자 작게

[Statement from the Philippine Camp Tiano Memorial Society of UN Korean War Veterans]

Constitutional Judge Moon Hyung-bae must retract his remarks insulting the UN forces and resign immediately!

▲ 1952년 세워진 캠프티아노 필리핀 전투전적비 - 자유는 공짜가 아니다.     ©제니윤 기자


It is absolutely unacceptable that Constitutional Judge Moon Hyung-bae made remarks that insulted the noble sacrifice of the UN forces who fought for the Republic of Korea during the Korean War. South Korea was able to withstand the invasion of communism thanks to the sacrifices of the UN forces and the Korean people who risked their lives to protect freedom and democracy. How can someone who denies and distorts these historical facts be qualified to serve as a Constitutional Judge of the Republic of Korea? We strongly condemn Judge Moon’s remarks and demand his immediate resignation.


The Korean War was not merely a civil war but a communist invasion orchestrated by the Soviet Union and China. Stalin and Mao Zedong were determined to strengthen their communist dictatorship by suppressing freedom and purging countless innocent people. North Korea’s Kim Il-sung, in collusion with Stalin, launched the war to communize South Korea. Had the UN forces not intervened, South Korea would not exist today, and we would be living under a brutal communist dictatorship, just like the people of North Korea, who have been stripped of their freedoms and forced to live as slaves under the Communist Party elite.


The UN forces who fought in the Korean War were not just soldiers; they were young men who recognized that communism was fundamentally anti-Christian and an ideology that sought to annihilate freedom and democracy. They voluntarily fought to safeguard world peace. Because of their noble sacrifices, South Korea enjoys freedom and prosperity today and has become one of the most developed nations in Asia. Can someone who disrespects and insults their sacrifice truly uphold the Constitution of South Korea?


Judge Moon Hyung-bae must recognize the reality of South Korea’s ongoing struggle. The country remains under constant threat from communism, and North Korea continues to be a dictatorial regime that threatens our democracy. As a Constitutional Judge, it is his duty to uphold the democratic principles enshrined in the Constitution. However, his remarks directly contradict South Korea’s history and constitutional values, effectively rendering him unfit for his position.


The Philippine Camp Tiano Memorial Society of UN Korean War Veterans demands the following from Judge Moon Hyung-bae:

1. Immediately retract and officially apologize for his remarks that disparaged the sacrifices of UN Korean War veterans.

2, Resign immediately, as he has demonstrated that he lacks the will and qualification to uphold the South Korean Constitution.


The South Korean government and constitutional institutions must not tolerate historical distortion and statements undermining the free democratic system. Strong measures must be taken to ensure that the Constitutional Court faithfully upholds the constitutional spirit of the Republic of Korea.


We express our deepest gratitude to all UN Korean War veterans who sacrificed their lives for the freedom and peace of South Korea. We will continue to defend South Korea’s democracy to ensure that their sacrifice was not in vain.


January 29, 2025


Yoon Jung-hwa, Representative

Philippine Camp Tiano Memorial Society of UN Korean War Veterans


Moon Hyung-bae’s Remarks Insulting UN Forces
Judge Moon Hyung-bae, acting Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, sparked controversy after it was revealed that in 2010, following his visit to the UN Memorial Cemetery, he wrote:
"What did the UN forces, including Australian soldier Donut, who died at the age of 17 in the Korean War, come to this land for? Did those who sought to unify Korea through war fail to realize that the idea of a ‘good war’ is nothing more than a romanticized illusion, contradicting the universal truth understood by all of humanity?"


About the Philippine Camp Tiano Memorial Society
The Philippine Camp Tiano Memorial Society of UN Korean War Veterans is a non-profit organization dedicated to the restoration of the Philippine War Memorial and the promotion of scholarships and exchanges for Korean War veterans and their descendants. The association holds annual commemorative ceremonies in Yanggu, Gangwon Province, in June and September to honor the heroic sacrifices of Philippine soldiers who fought and died during the Korean War.

▲ Freedom is not Free, The 72nd Dedication for CAMP TIANO Monument.   © 제니윤 기자


제니윤 기자
강원도 양구군 지회장
ⓒ 국제언론인클럽(GJCNEWS). 무단전재 및 재배포 금지
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡 카카오스토리 밴드 네이버 블로그
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